Monday, October 15, 2012


Turns out it doesn't matter if you live in civilization or in the sticks.  Life has a way of spinning out of control and catching you unawares...

You might get a part time job (I did)

You might be training for a 1/2 marathon (I am)

You might have mountains of laundry to do (I do)

You might have piles of paperwork stacking up around you (I do)

You might be frustrated by lots of working out, and little to no weight lost (I am)

You might have children that continually leave their crap everywhere (I do...times 4)

You might get yelled at because you started a new blog and then never post anything in it (I have)

You might have organized a really awesome craft table for yourself and never find time to use it. (Me again)

You might have vacuumed the same corner every other day for 6 weeks and still haven't managed to bend over and pick up the Lego piece that no-one else seems to notice. (Guilty)

You might have 14 half written blog posts in your head but decide not to type them out because they are either about someone specific, something specific, training for a half-marathon or whining about the world at large (Uh-huh)

You might have a fancy DVR and On-Demand cable, but still not manage to be able to catch up on your TV shows because of all of the laundry, working out, lack of typing, multiple part time jobs, messy children, piles of paper and total lack of motivation. (What?  I was taking a nap and you are rambling again)

That is all...

Back to spinning.

1 comment:

  1. I like reading about you whining! You made me smile after reading this post.


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